Cans vs. glass

The age(ish) old question: to can or to bottle? 

For the average person, little thought is put into choosing packaging for beverages. While times, as well as perceptions, have changed over the past 10-15 years, there are still some misperceptions and even misunderstandings to the benefits of cans & glass bottles. While this could evolve into a full-scale multi-hour discussion, we’re going to spend the next few minutes of your time and attention on why we chose cans for Simplicity Cocktails.



Beaches, Poolside, Camping, Tailgating, Boating, etc. There are so many places you want to just relax where glass is simply too dangerous to bring along. A dropped bottle turning into broken glass is something nearly everyone has experienced, and if you’re lucky, it stopped there. Often, the broken glass turns into cut fingers or feet, and whats a bigger buzz kill than getting stitches poolside? 

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Who wants a warm drink? Glass is an insulator, which is why it’s used for some coffee mugs. Aluminum on the other hand is a conductor and readily transfers heat and cold, making it much easier to get your favorite beverage cold after a few minutes in the cooler. If only DABC stores had refrigerators….

Fun fact: In Utah, Package Agencies (non-State run liquor stores) are allowed to have cocktail coolers in their stores! Stop by our Package Agency at Simplicity’s Lab when we finally get our licensing for a cold ready-to-drink cocktail!

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Space & Weight

Speaking of coolers, when was the last time you looked at your camping cooler full of bottles and thought “wow these pack so well!”? Cans save you a lot of space when packing your cooler while getting ready for a backyard BBQ or heading out for an adventure. When you’re coming back from an adventure, cans compact to a fraction of their size, and are almost weightless, allowing you to pack out what you packed in.

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Recycling & Being Green

Aluminum takes 16x the amount of energy to create than glass, but it enjoys a much higher recycling rate than glass (49.8% vs 26.4%). While both are infinitely recyclable, a lack of access to multi-stream recycling programs in the US make it much more difficult to recover glass. With aluminum being able to be selected out of single-stream waste programs via eddy current magnets, it’s simply much easier to recover and reuse. This results in 73% of a new aluminum can being made from recycled materials, vs 23% for glass bottles. 

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Don’t just take our word for it. Stop by your nearest Utah State Liquor Store and experience the canned convenience of Simplicity for yourself. While you’re at it, check out some of our favorite summer activities to pair with our delicious RTD cocktails!

It’s also worth noting that not everything we have in our product pipeline will go in cans…. ;)



— Chris Weed

Co-Founder, Simplicity Cocktails

Chris Weed